About Me

My photo
A farmers daughter and Penn State Agricultural and Extension Education student, I enjoy laughing (a lot actually), capturing Lancaster county beauty in the form of an Instagram and pursuing the heart of my Savior. This is authentically me, simply put: my adventures, my passion and my journey of becoming an Agriculture Educator.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The one where you get to know me better.

Considering the fact (hopefully!) you'll be back to my blog to visit frequently, I figured it may beneficial if you knew a little bit more about me and why I'm blogging in the first place.

So, without further-ado,

Hi friends!
My name is Janae Herr!

I am a rising senior (holy smokes!) at the great Penn State University where I am passionately pursuing a degree in Agriculture and Extension Education with minors in the area of Agribusiness Management and International Agriculture. But, more on that later!
I believe the quickest way for you to learn a little about me is if I break it down into three categories: home, work & play.

Home: Southview Farms in Lancaster, PA

The place that undoubtedly molded me into the individual I am today. Right there is where it all started. Yellow plastic rain boots tromping through twenty five thousand broiler chicks; trailing after the tobacco planter; the first time I was allowed to drive a tractor; the day I was considered an official employee, paycheck and all. These are the reasons. I still remember walking home from the barn one evening to a beautiful sunset with a silo silhouette; I knew that from then on I wanted to dedicate my life to the advocacy of agriculture.

Work: Hoober Inc.

I am fortunate enough to have grown up on a farm, which rightfully means that I worked and learned the value of hard work there. I also consider myself fortunate to have the opportunity to work while I'm away at school, working for the Center for Professional Personnel Development allowing me to expand my professional network and open doors for a lot of incredibly unique opportunities. Pictured, Hoober Inc. where I have spent the past three years as a "parts girl" at our local Case IH dealership. I LOVE my job(s)!

Play: A mildly extensive list...
Though I don't find myself with much "free time" when I do get a spare minute or to I'm a big fan of laughter, sunshine, family, hammocks, ice cream, arm-knitting, farm-work, friends and a good bonfire. Oh, and my dog Peyton. I like her a lot. 


As promised, I'd take a few minutes to share about my choice in Agriculture and Extension Education. Since I'm on a roll here with the three thing, I'm going to try and stick with that plan and draw out my passion for the future of agriculture, particularly in the classroom in the context of content passion, professional passion & personal passion.

But first, a short disclaimer: I'm currently reading this summer swell book, Teach Like A Pirate by Dave Burgess. Clearly a passionate educator himself, Burgess opens his book with a conversation about passion in the classroom and as an educator, in particular the three areas of passion I just listed. 

CONTENT PASSION: What am I passionate about within agriculture?
I am passionate about leadership development. I am passionate about production agriculture. I am passionate about agribusiness, technical skills and anything that grows. I am passionate about dirt under fingernails and career opportunities.

PROFESSIONAL PASSION: What am I passionate about within the field of agriculture education?
TOMORROW! I am passionate about the bright future of an industry that will sit in the seats in my classroom and learn within the walls of my school. I am passionate about community, both in and outside my classroom. I am passionate about innovation, but with respect to tradition and legacy. 

PERSONAL PASSION: What am I, K. Janae, passionate about in life?
Though probably evident from earlier, I am passionate about being the fifth generation to be a steward of the land. I am passionate about Lancaster County and rich heritage. I am passionate about sunrises and sunsets accompanied by a silo silhouette. I am passionate about leaving a legacy. I am passionate about the people in my life; my friends and family. I am passionate about Jesus - because He's why I can be passionate about all of this. 

Simply put, that's a little bit about me. Simply put, that is why I chose Agriculture Education. 

Until next time, 

- K. Janae