About Me

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A farmers daughter and Penn State Agricultural and Extension Education student, I enjoy laughing (a lot actually), capturing Lancaster county beauty in the form of an Instagram and pursuing the heart of my Savior. This is authentically me, simply put: my adventures, my passion and my journey of becoming an Agriculture Educator.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Partnership, Participation and PAAE

Here's what's cool about the agriculture education teacher preparation program at Penn State University...
They actively pursue and provide opportunities for continual professional development for my peers and I. 
Basically, I am incredibly privileged (and grateful!)  for these various events. It hasn't taken long for me to realize that professional development is invaluable. My theory is:
it should be consumed like ice cream - lots of it! 

The #psuaged16 cohort was given the opportunity to join in for the 2015 Pennsylvania Association of Agriculture Educators Summer Conference.

Though you surely figured out what PAAE legitimately stands for, I decided to sum up my experiences the few days using the same letters.

P - Progress
     - The Penn State Teach Ag! Technologist, Diane Cornman (@DGCornman) rocked out a STELLAR workshop on technology in the classroom. I am crazy excited to test out platforms such as Nearpodeasel.ly and Plickers and use various forms of technology to enhance my classroom. It sounds a little cliche as a 21-year-old to say that technology in the classroom has changed a lot since I was in elementary, middle and high school. However; today, it is revolutionizing the way we teach and I am excited about new ways for my classroom to advance with the technology field's progressive trends!

A - Activation
     - Day one of summer conference provided my cohort with the opportunity to sit and gain some quality one-on-one time with our cooperating teachers. Good conversations were had by all, activating our student teaching internship experience. Information overload? Of course! But am I ready to kick this year in gear? Most definitely!

A - AgEdCamp
     - Let's just say, agriculture educators are pretty awesome and they have a lot of incredible thoughts to share. Day two of Summer Conference began with a unique platform (AgEdCamp), facilitated to encourage conversation on hot topics in agriculture education. I was able to participate in discussion on professional involvement, Supervised Agriculture Experience and technology in the classroom. It was an inspiring and empowering environment. Check out some of the chatter on twitter via #AgEdCamp!

E - Engagement
     - Summer Conference was full of opportunities that reminded me the value of full engagement. Engagement in professional organizations such as PAAE and engagement within and amongst my peers. There is power in togetherness and uniting as body sharing a common interest. I thankful for the opportunity to stand alongside others who are passionate about bright futures for students and our industry. 

Last, but certainly not least, a huge thank you to PAAE for providing financial support to pre-service teachers like myself! I count myself very privileged to have been one of the recipients of the 2015 Scholarship Award!

Simply put, it has been a pretty powerful past few days. Simply put, I am blessed, excited and empowered and ready for what this crazy year ahead has in store!

Until next time, K. Janae