About Me

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A farmers daughter and Penn State Agricultural and Extension Education student, I enjoy laughing (a lot actually), capturing Lancaster county beauty in the form of an Instagram and pursuing the heart of my Savior. This is authentically me, simply put: my adventures, my passion and my journey of becoming an Agriculture Educator.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Final Presentation: the Teac{HERR} Way

This is one goes out to my people. The ones that stood beside me, pushed me, stretched me, challenged me, cheered me on, laughed and cried with me. I couldn't have made it this point without each of you. So, thank you.

Next stop in this passionate pursuit of the "Teac{HERR} Way..." Midd-West High School!

Until then, K. Janae

1 comment:

  1. Good Job of making this blog post happen! I am excited to live vicariously through you and your peers this fun semester.

